Hello fellow KIIP learners! When I first started taking the KIIP courses, I wasn’t able to find a direct translation of the grammar points all in one place. I often had to search and sift through different websites to find an English explanation of the grammar from the KIIP course books. I also had to do a lot of work looking up the vocabulary in my dictionary and online. If you’d like to study the KIIP Level 3 vocabulary, I’ve created a memrise course that focuses solely on the vocabulary from Level 3. Now that I’ve done all the heavy lifting, I want to share that knowledge with all of you. I hope it helps. Happy learning!
KIIP Level 3 Grammar Explanations
*Taken from 결혼이민자와함께하는한국어3 (Published in 2016)
Chapter 1: 집 좀 볼까 하는데요.
-(으)ㄹ까 하다
- This is used when talking about a person’s thoughts or plans.
- This is also used when requesting something politely.
- Roughly translates to “I’m thinking about…“
*This grammar form should only be used with verbs.
*This grammar form cannot be used with future tense.
When using this grammar form, you should drop the 다 and add -(으)ㄹ까 하다 to the end of the verb stem. See the examples below. Be sure to pay attention to whether there is a final consonant (받침) on the verb stem or not.
받침 X : 하다 ⇒ 하다 + ㄹ까 하다 ⇒ 할까 하다
받침 O : 먹다 ⇒ 먹다 + 을까 하다 ⇒ 먹을까 하다
불규칙 : 듣다 ⇒ 듣다 + 을까 하다 ⇒ 들을까 하다
Sentence Examples
A: 내일 무슨 옷을 입을 거예요? (What clothes are you going to wear tomorrow?)
B: 원피스를 입을까 해요. (I’m thinking about wearing a dress.)
A: 여자 아이 신발을 하나 볼까 하는데요. (I would like to see girls’ shoes.)
B: 네, 구두로 보여 드릴까요? (Yes, shall I show you some shoes?)
A: 주말에 뭐 할 거예요? (What will you do this weekend?)
B: 대청소를 할까 해요. (I’m thinking about doing spring cleaning.)
- This is used to explain the reason for an event/action while answering another person’s question.
- This is also used when refusing someone’s suggestion or request.
- Roughly translates to “Because… / That’s because…“
*This grammar form can be used with verbs, adjectives, and nouns.
*This grammar form should only be used in spoken language (not written language) and not in formal situations.
You can use this grammar form with past, present, and future tense verbs. When using this grammar with verbs, you should drop the 다 and add -거든요 to the end of the verb stem. The same can be done when using this with adjectives. However, nouns are a little different. When using it with nouns, you should add an 이 to the end of the noun before adding -거든요. See the examples below.
Present Tense: 먹다 ⇒ 먹다 + 거든요 ⇒ 먹거든요
Past Tense: 먹었다 ⇒ 먹었다 + 거든요 ⇒ 먹었거든요
Future Tense: 먹을거다 ⇒ 먹을거 다 + 거든요 ⇒ 먹을거거든요
Nouns: 학생 ⇒ 학생 + 이 + 거든요 ⇒ 학생이거든요
Sentence Examples
A: 두 분이서 어디 가세요? (Where are you two going?)
B: 영화 보러 가요. (We’re going to see a movie.)
오늘이 결혼기념일이거든요. (It’s because today is our anniversary.)
A: 현우 엄마, 쓰레기봉투 좀 있어요? (Hyun Woo’s Mom, do you have any garbage bags?)
B: 미안해요. 하나도 없어요. (I’m sorry. I don’t have any at all.)
저도 바빠서… (It’s because I was also busy, so…)
슈퍼에 못 갔거든요. (I couldn’t go to the supermarket.)
A: 진수하고 은수가 영어를 아주 잘하네요. (Jin Su and Eun Su really speak English well.)
B: 수잔 씨하고 매일 공부하거든요. (It’s because they study with Susan every day.)
Let’s Put It All Together!
A: 라면을 끓여 먹을까 하는데, 같이 드실래요?
(I’m thinking about making ramen, would you eat with me?)
B: 아니에요. 조금 전에 밥을 먹었거든요.
(No. Because I ate a little while ago.)
A: 주말에 시내에 갈까 하는데, 같이 가요.
(I’m thinking about going downtown this weekend, so let’s go together.)
B: 못 가요. 시아버님 생신이거든요.
(I can’t go. Because it’s my father-in-law’s birthday.)
That’s all for chapter one. I hope this helps you to understand the grammar a little bit better.
KIIP Level 3: Chapter 2 Grammar →